William 11th May 2019

Good morning Top Tops. I could not feed the cats yesterday, and not long after I had got back up here out of the way, Jack was out there in the garden, but I could not go down to feed him because it was busy in the kitchen. I had a good nights sleep, and overslept this morning by almost an hour, I can just about remember getting into bed last night, waking up a couple of times, but that is it. When I get down to the kitchen today, I am going to feed the cats, and put some food out there for the little birds and squirrels… those fat greedy pig-eons have not been out there much this week. A couple of the greedy odd things have landed at the big tree, and have been looking for the big bucket… one daft odd thing was looking under a branch the other day. As soon as I fill that bucket up with seed, those fat greedy selfish odd things will be back though, probably before I had closed the garden doors. There was something out there a just before I came on here to you, and it sounded just like a chimpanzee, I keep looking around expecting one to come swinging in through the big window. I had to open the big window, as I was missing hearing the beautiful birds. It was probably the same hunch-shouldered idiot that barks out there in the smelly old swampy swamp that I heard making out that it was a chimpanzee, what kind of deranged lunatic would do that… a deranged lunatic that came from another deranged lunatic I suppose. I had to shut the window, turn the telly on, and put the sound up to twelve the other evening because that mad mini swamp-witching thing was making so much noise out there in the swamp-witches smelly old swampy swamp the other evening. Squawking, wailing, screaming, screeching, and shouting it was. I usually only have the sound turned up to four, and even with it turned as high as I did, I could still hear its great big squawking cakehole, and I think that I just heard it out there again… but that might be George howling, they do sound alike. Jack was out there yesterday, but of course he could not be fed, as it was busy in the kitchen. Had any food been put out there for him, George would have come along and vacuumed everything up. I forgot to tell Charlie that another tiny black and white kitten has been seen in the gardens, it looks like Jack, and I wonder who fathered that one. It has been dark all morning little girl, it is even darker now than it was when I woke up this morning… the lying odd weathering peoples said that would be rain this afternoon, but they have now changed their minds, and decided that there will be a storm very soon. I think that everyone could have told them that, I can hardly make out the keys that I am tapping. I will try to get on here this evening little girl, but if I cannot, I will be back in the morning. We do love you Top Tops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX