William 26th April 2019

Good morning Toppy. I managed to oversleep by half an hour this morning, I did want to go back to sleep, but I got up anyway... perhaps I can have a lay in tomorrow. I have just remembered Molly waking me during the night, but the only thing I can think that she wanted, was for me to get out of her way, so that she could lay down and go to sleep. She does have this big room to do that, but wants to get where I am. I forgot to look out there into the garden when I got down to the kitchen, and when I went back down to make some tea, I did not get a chance to look, as Jenny was already meowing. I looked out there hoping to see the Burmese cat, but she was not there... Percy was under one of the trees, and when he saw me, he stood up, but I could not let them in, as I already had to get out of the ogresses way. I just had enough time to make some tea, get myself a bowl of those crunchy cornflakey things, and then I had to get back up here out of the way. I was saying to Molly that it looked like it was not going to rain today, but it has just come over all black again... the ogress is supposed to be going out soon, but seeing as it has come over all dark, she will probably wait until I go down just before midday, and want me out of the way so that she can go out. I filled the big bucket up with some more seed yesterday morning when I fed the cats, and last evening when I went back down to the kitchen for my soup, there was a greedy, scrounging, pointy-faced, bobbly-headed odd pig-eon stuffing its greedy fat face. I went to open the garden doors to squirt it right in its fat face, but someone had locked them and taken the keys away. Even when I shook the garden doors, the fat-faced odd thing still stayed there, looking at me with its greedy beady-eyes. When I did find the keys, and had got the garden doors open, the thieving, selfish, fat odd thing flew off... they make me so angry little girl. I am hoping that when I do get down to the kitchen, the Burmese cat will be out there, and if she is, she will get a good feed. I had trouble getting on here this morning little girl, I will try to get on here this evening, but I doubt I will be able to. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX