William 17th April 2019

Good morning Top Tops. When I went into town the other day, it was not as bad as I thought that it would be... but if course, it did get a bit bad when we went into the big shoppy place, and there was the usual big cakeholed old idiot who bellows and shouts as loud as he possibly can. He is supposed to be blind, and cannot see where things are, but he manages to see pretty blonde girls when they come along. He needs someone to help him around the big old shoppy place, and his withery old hands are everywhere, I am surprised that no one has shoved a tin of rhubarb into his big mouth, or shoved him into one of the standy upy fridgey things that they have there. I had to leave my poor Mum sat near him while I went to get her a drink and some pain relief tablets. I had a choice of leaving my poor Mum near him, or some woman with about ten bellies who seems to always follow us everywhere, and it is getting very annoying. When I got back, my poor Mum said to me that it was a good job that I had gone, as one of those mini humany thingies opened its great big cakehole, and was screaming and shouting and screaming almost for a long as I was gone. If I had been there I would have said something, it is bad enough with that big cakeholed old idiot, but the screaming would have made me loose it... I cannot help it little girl, it does my head in so much. Those greedy fat pig-eons have been at the big bucket again little girl, a magpie, blackbird or a jay can land there on the bucket and pick of seed, and it does not move. Those fat greedy selfish things come along, and they are so fat and greedy, that they have tipped the big bucket over... I will feed the cats when the ogress goes trundling off out, and I will have to fill the bucket up, and put it straight. If only there was something that I could do to stop those annoying pig-eons from keeping on coming around here, it is making me so angry, just as it did last year. I will try to come on here this evening little girl, but I doubt that the connecting thingy will be working, it is a wonder that I was able to get on here to Charlie and you this morning. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX