William 6th April 2019

Good morning Top Top. It was all screamy and big cakeholey out there yesterday afternoon, and there was a terrible cat fight out there in the garden last night. It was late, so I just opened the garden doors a little bit, and squirted some water to stop the fighting, but it did not work. When I opened the garden doors, poor Percy ran off down the garden with George after him, and poor Jenny was just sitting there. Normally she would have flew in, but she just stayed there, so I closed the garden doors, and got back up here with Molly. I did not have a very good nights sleep little girl, and I was awake early again... I was hoping to oversleep for about an hour, but maybe tomorrow that will happen. When I got down to the kitchen this morning, I had a look out there in the garden, but there were no cats out there. When I went back down to make some tea, I had another look out there into the garden, but just George was there, curled up at Jack's little waiting place. I am going to try to feed the cats today, the ogress will probably be waiting for me to go down to the kitchen just before midday, and then announce that she is waiting for me to get out of her way so that she can go out. If I can, I will feed the cats, but if I hear steam-engine type snorting, and wild gnawings, I shall have to get out of the way... but I will try to feed them. I will try to get back on here this evening little girl, but if I cannot, I shall be back in the morning. We do love you Top Top, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX